... recent thinkings...

Take the side roads!


things you dont know about me (or maybe you did...)

* I struggle with self motivation.

*When I love, I give it everything I have.

*I struggle with goal completion.

* I love cheese.

* I have a scar on my side that makes me smile every time I see it because it reminds me of that one time I felt like a normal kid.

* I get obsessed with tv personalities and feel like apart of me dies when they do.. or when they get cancelled.

* I spend too much time on technology. I want to unplug and get away ... but im afraid of whats out there...

* I want one of those families ... like, to share my life with someone. But I honestly don't think that will ever happen.

* I loved watching the Clarita Valley Diet -- way too much!

* I love gardening.

* I love words. All words. The good ones. The real ones. The funny ones. I love quotes. They are the windows into our souls ... they let us in ...

* I am loving my Keto diet

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