... recent thinkings...

Take the side roads!


my 30 day challenge!

Today is Day 3 of my 30 Day Challenge!!!
In this post, I will share a few things ...
*Recap of the last week
*Day 1-3 of this challenge
*my goals
*my schedule.

So, Here we go!  :)

So, Today is Feb 11.  I haven't posted the past week because I have been preoccupied with being depressed. Life got to me ... I realized that I want more and I wasn't doing anything about it (per the usual).  I have this terrible habit of becoming complacent. When I "stop" it takes an enormous effort to "go" again. No matter what the reason.  A few years ago, I started the fitness journey for health reasons. I have an autoimmune disease that is tremendously impacted by what goes in my mouth. I didn't know that initially. Long story short -- nutrition saved me then. And as big as that is, it hasn't motivated me enough to get started again. I have it all in my brain .. but the physical act of doing it -- just not happening.
That happens to everyone, right?  Pretty much.

So, I finally had enough!
  We went back home last weekend to visit family and friends. It was a great trip. I did not get everything done I needed to. But I got some. I wanted to help my mom but I didn't do enough. I had plans to visit a few friends .. I visited some, not all. I stayed up late. I laughed. I did things I hadn't done in ages.
While we were there, I reconnected with a friend. Ya know the one from  6 to 10 inches? Well, we finally had our moment. We spent a lot of time together. We talked and laughed. We got awkward. He and I are both so similar in many ways. Neither of us are good at talking, but he is better. We are both afraid, but he is brave. We both wanted to give it a shot, so we did.  I will spare you the details for now (no, that did not happen! haha) but the result was good.

He is planning on coming to visit in a few weeks. I don't want to be fat any more. So, the motivation for this jump start is, you guessed it, a guy!

We came home Tuesday night. Wednesday I started my 30 day challenge. I didn't start the full meal plan because I hadn't got my groceries!  But It was my mental prep day!  Lets face it, we all need that time!

        Beginning a New Plan 

So, I decided on the plan: 30 Day Nutrition and Fitness jump start. This is different for everyone. Your specific goals will always make your plan different from someone else, so don't compare your plan to theirs. THIS WILL SET YOU UP TO FAIL!!  Keep focused on YOUR goals and YOUR plan!  :)   Certainly, use each other for accountability and support. But remember that your journeys are different! 
Take a "before picture" of all angles:  both sides, front, and back.  Get your stomach and your booty!  Don't suck in. Wear the least amount of clothes you can (I usually do bra and shorts or undies).
You'll regret it if you don't!

Set Attainable Goals.     Be Realistic!

So, as I just said. Your plan is different from other people. Your goals may be roughly the same, but the road to get there? Could be vastly different. What is important is to make sure that your goals are attainable for YOU!  And for this time period.
Examples.. 4 years ago I could whip it out!!  Whatever workout was thrown at me (within reason), I could do it!  I did double workouts nearly every day. I did insanity after I did cardio. I was training for a bikini competition. I was eating right and my schedule was strict.
But can I do that today?  Heck. NO!  Can I do it again?  Yeah!  But if that was my goal for this plan, I know that I would not be successful. We have to look at our current situation - every aspect. Really evaluate our day and set goals that we can actually accomplish. Otherwise, what is the point?

These are things that we have to remember.  And that is also what makes my job as a Health and Wellness Coach valuable.

Start Small.

I could not run 6 miles tomorrow if my life depended on it.  Well, maybe if it was that drastic. But I am highly doubtful.
I could however get a good sweat on for about 30 minutes in the gym!  That is a small, attainable, REALISTIC goal! 
These little things will add up. They will accumulate. They will build your stamina. These small steps will show you results. You will see the difference with those pictures you took!  :) 
I also use an app to track everything!  My Fitness Pal is my favorite. Its a free app and it is awesome. I can input my water, my activity and everything that goes in my mouth. I can input my favorite recipes, the meals I eat regularly, it tracks it all really well.
This is an important thing to do though - tracking everything helps you keep accountable and also when things are not going the way we want, we have a reference point to see whats going wrong!

Develop your plan and set your schedule!

So many of us take to social media for our ideas. Which is a great place to start!  But you must keep in mind, these are blanket plans not meant for everyone. You can tweak it to your personal situation and goals but you have to know that going in!

For my 30 Day Challenge this time ... I am using the Keto Diet!
 Why Keto?
Well, frankly a friend recommend I do it (which is common, right!).  I have a lot of experience with diets and fitness. For the past 5 years I have devoted my life to life coaching others!  When most people here the word "diet" we seem to have that stigma attached to it of "short term" or "limiting" but that is not true!  Our diet is literally what we eat. So we all have a diet. Some of us have a healthier diet than others!  I spent 5 years tweaking my diet to suit my needs at different times. I have grown accustomed to a low-fat, moderate-carb, high-protein diet.  So beginning this Keto diet was a tad rough for me! Lets face it, its been brutal! As a rule, I avoid fatty foods. But for this -- I HAVE to eat fatty foods! So far, I have been under by fat macros daily. "Macros" or macronutrients, is one way to track your nutrients. It tracks the types of foods required in large amounts in the human diet (i.e. Fats, Proteins, and Carbs). Which are the 3 vital things for the Keto diet! And every body is different so the ratio for me may not suit you!  My ratio started at one and I have tweaked it to fit my body!

What is keto? 
Short for Ketogenic! Its a process that makes your body into a fat burning machine!! And if I am wanting to lose fat, this is a good thing to try - right?  Makes sense in my head. Logical right? This is why this "friend" of mine recommended this to me. I use quotations because this is a typical cycle of mine and I truly hope for others too!  When a friend encourages me and pushes me and tells me to do things that make me uncomfortable I begin this love-hate relationship with that "friend."  Which is where I am. I do not hate her by any means! Nor have I ever hated any of my trainers. However during those moments of misery and you cant swallow one more piece of dry, plain chicken you do hate the person that recommended this.  That feeling changes like the weather because at 8pm when your fat macros aren't where they need to be so you get to eat a cheesecake fat bomb, you love her!
Drawback -- My fitness pal app does not calculate Keto diets correctly so you just have to remember that when you look at your macros! Keto counts your NET CARBS so you have to track those differently. Not hard, just an extra step. No big deal!   (My fitness pal = MFP)

I use the traditional keto diet plan and I add in to it the intermittent fasting schedule!  So, mornings I will fast for an hour and evenings after 6pm fasting (when possible). I have an eating window and a workout window.

My Schedule
Lets take a minute to be real. How many people actually have the EXACT same schedule every day? Not too many of us, right?  So with that knowledge bomb, lets move forward!  Our "Healthy Schedule" needs to have some flexibility! If we go into this with the mentality of "oh shit I cant mess up or I fail" well then, we will fail. So knowing that we HAVE to be flexible is vital for our success. I had my days planned out hour for hour, every meal and snack, and everything in between! (this is very typical for me, due to my sons special needs and required structure I just always schedule things out.)
Day 1 -- This is Thursday!
I went in to this day under the impression that I was going to wake up at 6am and work out. Well that did NOT happen!  But -- I did have my meals outlined, roughly.
Herbalife tea for breakfast tooo!
Breakfast. -- 2 Eggs with ham and cheese.
Lunch. -- Either a shake or a breakfast repeat. (ended up being eggs!)
** I went shopping during this time period. Bought a scale (because I left mine in Oklahoma) and well, this is absolutely vital. I had my meal plan already written out and created my grocery list according to it. I compared prices at the local stores and went with price matching at Walmart!  WIN!  I got bell peppers, avocados, chicken breast, onions, mushrooms, cucumbers, cream cheese, Colby jack cheese, heavy cream, greek yogurt and frozen blueberries.
Snacks. -- something with protein.
Dinner. -- chicken or eggs...  (this ended up being eggs with veggies and avocado!)
My big Herbalife Jet Jug (60 ounce bottle) filled with water, drink 1 by noon and the other by bed time.
I wanted to work out --- but uh. That didn't happen!  oh wellsies!
Results -- I got in each meal. I got in my water. I avoided sugars and ice cream and soda! I did not get enough protein, my fats were pretty good for the first day hahah!    All in all -- I felt good! I made progress. I didn't hit everything, however I did great!!  I could have got upset about the failures, however I was like "Whoa! A new diet, a totally new way to eat! I did a really good job!" And I was happy. I was ready for day 2 because I knew I would do even better!!  Here is the hard part -- my weight. 145#. This is important though because you need to track your progress. I needed to measure my inches... but I have no idea where my tape measure is. so.... I put on a pair of clothes that are semi-tight and that will be my way to roughly track my inches! 
Knowledge bomb:  Its not all about the number on the scale! We lose inches, we lose fat, we gain muscle. These all look different and occur at different rates for each person. So, if you can, measure your inches and track them too!!

Day 2 -- Friday!
Roughly same schedule.
First thing in the morning - Pee. Because well, you just drank 120+ ounces of water yesterday and your body has to eliminate the waste (which is how we flush out that fat!)
Weigh yourself (BEFORE ANYTHING GOES IN!)  -- Today I have a small victory! I weigh 143# SAWEET!
My meals were ...
Breakfast:  2 eggs with bell peppers, mushroooms, cheese, & avocado!
Lunch: chicken with sriracha (I used a kitchen scale to weigh the chicken so I could input the proper amount of protein!)
Dinner: chicken with avocado.
Evening snack: Cheesecake fat bombs (I pulled a recipe here and input it to MFP. the hard part was figuring out how to calculate serving sizes... still working that part out! I assume that a teaspoon {small ice cream scoop} is a good size. so I am not exact on these measurements but I still have a rough guideline that works! No problem!)
Water intake: I drank more than 120 ounces. Which, fyi, makes you pee an insane amount!!
Cool take away from this day -- I wasn't even hungry for dinner. I made myself eat because I needed it. I wasn't even hungry for the fat bombs. Again made myself eat them. So that is awesome.   A week ago -- well, really since the beginning of Jan -- I was not eating much and I wasn't eating healthy. I have ate more the last 3 days than I have in ages and I feel so much better. I have energy. I am doing stuff. I am losing weight.  This is show you, we don't always need to eat less. This is consistent too, the last several years I eat a ton and lose weight! I know this. but for some reason, when depression hits you don't care about that stuff.  small victories on the scale rock!!! 

Day 3 -- This is Saturday!
Same rough schedule but its Saturday, So I expected some physical activity. We usually go hike on Saturdays. but .. he wants to play with his friends instead so I am home doing chores and housework!
I woke up -- weighed in at 142!!! So, that is 3 pounds down in 3 days!!!  And until this point I have not hit the gym. I would say, I have been semi active but mostly sedentary. I jogged one night, walked a couple times and went on a short bike ride. Nothing strenuous by any means. But the weight is coming off!!!!  This IS HUGE!!!
Breakfast:  Herbalife shake.  The drawback with these with the keto diet -- carbs. The net carbs is still more than ideal, so I have to make sure that the rest of my daily meals are more protein and fats!  Which is not too difficult just more annoying at this point.
Lunch: Grilled chicken with green bells, mushrooms, mozz cheese, broccoli.  It was hard to finish this. I wasn't hungry at all!  But I did ... and I drank tons of water. And I sit here ... typing this ...
I have done some weight lifting today too. I have the TV on as I am piddling. I am lifting weights while I do this also ... Arms. Shoulders. Tris.  This is a trouble spot and easy to do on the couch!
The rest of my plan for the day is a continuation of the last couple ... And the following days will have their own post :)

I have a plan.
I have a detailed plan for my days. I have it on my fridge. I have it in my room. I have it in my head.  And now that I have gotten past the first couple of days, I have lost the first few pounds, the motivation is here!!! 

Good news :) 
I cant wait for tomorrow!!!

For more info -- message me directly!!!
For info on Herbalife -- check out my page Herbalife Rocks!
To stalk my pinterest -- click on My Pinterest! -- lots of fitness and nutrition stuff and some other fun personal stuff :)
To see some Keto ideas -- check out Keto Plan or Low Carb Keto
Track your daily stuff on My Fitness Pal download the app on your smart phone!

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