... recent thinkings...

Take the side roads!


Day 5 of 30 - kill me now.

Well ... hello yall! 
Today is Monday. It is Day 5 of my 30 day fitness and nutrition challenge. And yesterday, I just wanted to...
 But I did not!!  I did slack pretty much yesterday though. I did not reach 120 ounces of water. I did not lose a pound. I did not get in all of my macros and I went over my calories - EEKS! I did not have a cheat day though!
I did enjoy my day. I did get groceries for the next few days. I got my coupons. I got some walking in. I did accomplish a few things :)

Day 4  Schedule --
I started the day with my Herbalife Tea + Protein Beverage Mix + Collagen Beauty Booster and a cheesecake fat bomb!
Lunch -- I had 2 eggs with onion, green bells, turkey, cream cheese and Colby cheese.
dinner -- Herbalife protein beverage mix with Shrimp and Asparagus! Of course butter was in each of these with garlic and some Cajun seasoning :)  DELISH!!!  This packed in a ton of healthy protein and nutrients!
For evening snack -- Greek Yogurt with Herbalife Apple Fiber and frozen blueberries.
** My macros -- 110g protein -- 77 fat (should have been more!) -- Net Carbs around 20g (should have been lower)  -- 1300 calories (should have been lower)

I did some personal development and reading this morning -- watched some TV while I decorated and organized -- listened to some Pandora radio -- finally got Hedwig to stand up -- and it snowed!  That was great.  Since on Day 2 and 3 it was closer to 70 degrees!

Today is Day 5 of 30.
aka its Monday.
I woke up and actually got up! YAY ME! 
I got the kiddo off to the bus and I started my workout!  I am starting a 30 day fitness video that does strength, cardio, and abs!  And believe me -- it kicked my ass today!  I was shaking. Which is great, don't get me wrong, but whoa!!  
(Woke up at 7 got my morning drink prepped. J left at 745. Drank my morning Herbalife drink. Started my workout before 8. Done before 8:40. Shower before 9. Breakfast after!)

I already have almost 60 ounces of water in, which is a great improvement from yesterday!

Breakfast was on point --  2 eggs with onion, green bells, mushrooms, Colby cheese, turkey, and avo. I could barely finish it. It took me an extended amount of time It was so filling.  Macros: 20g protein. 27g fat. (good ratio for those two!) 13carbs (net is less than 2g - yay!) 373 calories.
 Plus . my workout burned over 500 cals. So wahoo. ON POINT TODAY!
Weigh in -- sadness -- 142#

So .. for the remainder of today I need to keep that ratio -- more fat than protein, but still within reason and super low carbs. Maybe another workout too :)
I need
* 80+g protein (I can get 3 meals @ 20g/each plus my protein drink mix 15g = 75g protein)
* 80+g fat -- about the same .. plus a couple fat bombs. that will boost me 5g/ea fat apprx.
* 15g NET carbs  -- This is a toughy. I have been going over. Not by much but a little bit!

With luck ... I will hit all of my macros today and lose another pound for my morning weigh in :)

* Update!  I just finished dinner. I have out done myself :)  Grilled Herb and Garlic chicken breast with asparagus!  I had like 5 fat bombs today. YUUUM!  My current macros ... I am sitting at  fat 71g / protein 52g / carbs 30g (net 11.2g which is 1% of my daily intake. boom!)
I still need another meal :(  I may drink some Herbalife to boost that up!!  Just one more awesome benefit if the H-Life!  When you need some extra stuff..we got ya fixed!  :) 

Check out my IG for pictures of my meals and other randoms :)

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