... recent thinkings...

Take the side roads!


Day 7 of 30

Wrapping it up on a Wednesday evening ...

Day 7 ...
Its Wednesday!!
That means Clearance Valentines Day stuff!!!  :)  boom. You know I hit that!
Today has been ... well, positive!

I got some stuff done around the house. not what was planned, but some nonetheless. I followed up on some employment opportunities -- good news!!! 

Talked to a handsome man that I love.

I have reached a plateau in weight loss and so that sucks.  but ... ive been doing this long enough to notice the "non scale victories"
* My pants are loose
* These underwear are loose!
* One of my sports bra fits me again
* I feel comfortable in this tank top!!
I have noticed a lot of those things ... even though my scale number hasn't decreased!  I am not giving up and I will remain optimistic!!!  :) 
I made beef kielbasa with cabbage and shrimp for dinner. It was delish and packed with the macro-hitting yummies!!!
Slacked on my water ... only 60 ounces in so far but I have drank a few other things (herbalife products + water)  

Day 6 ...
First of all lets just say ... this was the epic challenge of challenges!!
1: its Tuesday.
2. its Taco Tuesday.
3. its Valentines Day.
4. I can't have carbs.

That is all that is important!! lol. 
 I ate a lot. Hit my macros. Ate some gelato!  (Cos it had some protein and fat and very low carbs!!!  what what!!!)
People were all over social media talking about their loves and anti-valentines ... etc ... And I was really like, um ... workout and eat? Yeah that's my plans!

I did my video workout ... I was so sore prior, and then even more so after.  BUTTTTTT... I did more of each set than the previous day (AWESOME).  And I finished better than the previous day :)  Good Good Good.

My son has made so much neurological progress since we relocated -- This was just one more of those moments. His teacher needed help getting set up for his party & my kiddo actually was okay with me being there!!!  (He has always had so much anxiety and emotions I haven't been able to before!)  So, I got to help set up and stay at the party and he showed me some attention. He was A ROCKSTAR!!!
It was a great day. I am so thankful that this relocation has been everything I had hoped!!!!  Now, to land a good income-generating situation :)

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