... recent thinkings...

Take the side roads!


6 to 10 inches

Watching movies and television shows always induces thoughts. 

They meet by chance years ago when they are both young. Hes a musician following his heart. Shes in corporate America lost in her own thoughts. 

To him ... the first date was that night at the local college campus. They went for a drive. Listened to some of his original music and then some of his inspiration. He opened his heart to this girl. He showed her some of the most intimate parts of him and they never had physical contact.  Thats what passion does. When you share that with someone you become vulnerable. Thats what he did. He had no reservations. No fear. Just faith and optimism.
They finished their date. He took her home and said goodbye. He did not kiss her. He respected her. He was a gentleman. 

To her ... this wasnt a date. They are going to hang out and grab some food. She heard this crazy music for the first time. The loudness. The deep bass. The windows bowing in sync with the beat. It wasnt rap. What was this? And then the beat dropped ... She fell in love with the music. She didnt know it at the time, but she fell in love with him. 

She ended up driving hours to another state with a girlfriend to go see this boy and his friends on a business trip. The girls decided last minute. Had to get babysitters for the weekend for their kids. Off they went. That trip was too short but the memories will last her a lifetime. One of the absolute best memories this girl will have.  

Its not common to hear stories about a girl and a boy sharing a hotel room alone without physical contact. They were one of those stories. She did not know this was the last time they would have this opportunity. 

         Fast forward a few years.  Fast forward through some silly heart breaks. Some bad choices. Some consequences. He ended up moving away. She ended up driving very often to see him. There were some tears. Some smiles. He wrote her letters. He wrote her letters on paper. Who does that? A gentleman. Thats who. He was consistent. Always consistent. He went away for a while and she thought he was gone forever. She thought maybe he had died. Why else would someone just fall off the planet? Why else would someone go radio silent for so long? Then the tears came ... how did he die and she didnt know?
He came back. 

They picked right back up as if no time had passed. The laughing. The chemistry. The passion. He was still so kind. He was still caring. He still loved her. She still didnt know it, but she loved him back. 

One day he told her "I have had a feeling that it would work out one day. I always held out hope. I knew it would happen eventually. I figured you would see eventually."  THAT was something that she always needed to hear. See, her whole life every one always left her. No one held out. No one came back. People always leave. He even left her.  But he came back ... he never gave up on her. He never stopped trying. This man is who she needs. This is the man. 

He later said "I just need 6 to 10 inches"  and like a moth to flame, she was done and they haven't even kissed.

Their love story isnt over...

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