... recent thinkings...

Take the side roads!



This is always the good question..


One of the first things we learn as kids is "Why" 
Why are going to the store? Why is the sky blue? Why does mommy like wine? 
Why are people hateful?  Why are people funny? Why are we here? 


So, why am I here? 
Most specifically, I am writing this blog to speak. I am here to to share things, to ask questions, to offer insight in to my experiences. 
I have always been better at writing than verbally speaking. Lately I have had been asked a lot of questions, I have been an advocate, I have a loud voice. But what I am actually saying? Am I using my voice to be productive or am I just making noise?  
A friend recommended a blog for multiple reasons ... I have so many things going on this is a good space to keep it altogether! 
A quilt of my life ... 

I attended a training about 5 years ago where the big question they presented was "Why."  Why are you here?  What is your WHY?  When you wake up every day, why are you waking up? What is your purpose?  What makes you keep going when everything seems to me mounting against you?  
The answer I had then is the same answer I have now. My son.  

Through this blog you will learn about me. You will learn about my son and our special challenges that we face together every single day. You will see that I am a mess of chaos but I have the best intentions. I make a lot of mistakes. I make dumb decisions. But I also make really great choices every day. I try to learn from everything. 
I hope through this blog I can hold myself accountable as well as possibly help someone else. That is why we speak, right? To help someone else ... to build them up rather than tear them down. 

What is YOUR why? 

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