... recent thinkings...

Take the side roads!



Next question ... What.

What will I tell you? 

What will I share? 

What will you learn?

What will you take away from this blog? 

I will fail. I will try again. Repeat until success.
I aim to share information with you. I aim to shed light on challenges. If I can help one person with my words then I have not failed. 

I will tell you about my day. Not every day, I dont think I will be living on the computer! Ha!  But the little stuff that matters. The eventful things that stress us out. The song that I heard while driving that impacted my day. That picture message I get from a friend or a loved one that brings a smile to my face.

I will tell you about the challenges I have as a single mother. A single mother of a boy with no father. A boy with special needs. The challenges we have from moving out of state with no support network. But I will also tell you about the wonderful things that we experience in spite of these challenges. 

I will share lyrics and quotes and movie lines ... because anyone that knows me, knows that is where I live. In an alternate reality. Because verbal communication is a weakness I have.

I will share my heart. I have a lot of mistakes in my past. No, I have a lot of learning opportunities in my past. I will share my heart breaks and my loves. Not the personal specifics, but the point of it all. Who knows... maybe i have learned enough and this time will be different! 

In my house, we love God. I will not shove anything or try to persuade one religion or another ... however God does get me through the day and I will share that. I read books every now and again. Take challenges. And I will share that. 

I will share our journeys. The random road trips because we adore being. Just being. Driving 10 miles or 100 miles to just BE. To go for a hike, to watch the sun set, to find a magpie. The weekend getaways we taketo get back to us. The out of state vacations for new adventures. Life is too short to wait. Life is too short to save up for that trip. So just go. 

In the past, I was very active and fit. I worked out at least once daily. I trained for fitness competitions, marathons, and that cute bikini. 
I am getting back to that ... I will share why I stopped and why I am starting again. I will share my food, my meal plans, products I love, fitness tips and complaints. The real stuff. I take fitness challenges and fall short sometimes. I will share that. And use this for personal accountability! 

The what ... the what is me. I will be sharing me. 

Not for approval. Not for validation. Not for bravos. But to help someone else. And, to help myself. 

Instagram for daily pictures.
Pinterest for, well, everything in my head and heart.

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